The Revelation of the Will of God through the Ten Commandments given to Moses, is the heart of the Law and is in itself good news.
The commandments of the Lord, as is so often reminded us in the Psalms, and evident way in which we recited (Psalm 19) illuminate our steps and are of inner joy as we recognize and try to fulfill them.
And here comes the reverse of the coin. The Apostle Paul reminds us, with clear and incisive words, that is not in our power to meet them all in a perfect manner and-even more- than in our hearts and will there is a hidden enemy that causes us to break them (the "flesh" in Pauline terminology).
Hence, the human condition is very problematic, because in any area of life we want to consider, it is subject to two opposing forces that split our will and prevent us that we have righteousness, "holiness" demanded by God being in his presence.
What then is the difference between justified or redeemed and the lost?
Well, only the first the first truly are aware of this contradiction, because they are the only one who really want to be "perfect" and voluntarily submit to God's law.
Some authors have argued that, if a true Christian is given the opportunity to renounce this world (and perverse pleasures that involves sin) in exchange for being immediately with Christ, do not hesitate for a moment: choose to be with Christ .
Therefore, the Christian when he sins does more for impotence that true desire to sin.
By contrast, lost only restrained by human laws and conventions. No more sin, not because they want to, but because they are afraid of the consequences. If they could do without punishment not hesitate.
Of course they are not willing to give up some things of this world to be with Christ, because -for start- neither love or know Him: for he or she is just a historical figure most, if not a human invention to annoy " the party ".
We should now ask what is it that clearly apport to Christians their status as redeemed. Well .... something very important: the cleaning and renovation of their conscience, work of pure grace of God. That is: although the Christian is very conscious of being an incorrigible sinner , or hardly correctable , his recourse to the offer of salvation in Jesus Christ makes him or her enjoy a good conscience toward God , day by day, minute by minute ... .
It is true that episodes like Jesus expelling the merchants from the temple , invite us to think that God is not content with a spoken conversion but only by conversion of heart (metaphorically , the cleansing of the Temple). This requires a consistent approach to the living God who works through prayer.
Only by this way we'll be able to acquire a part of that holiness that is required to be in the presence of the Lord.
Author: José Luis Mira Conca